Poem on Womanhood

O why those dark circles?
And why so many wrinkles!?
Do something about the love handles,
And wear some better sandals.
Don’t judge the cover of her book,
There may be a story behind her look.

Why aren’t you yet married?
In spite of being high salaried!
Don’t you need a life mate?
Still why that single state?
Don’t ask why she isn’t hitched—
There may be a cut she’s just stitched.

Why children you have none?
Or why only a single one?
Don’t you wanna be a mother?
Of doesn’t your child want a brother?
Don’t bother her with your voice,
She’s a woman, she has her choice!

Why are you a stay-at-home mother?
Why don’t you work rather?
Why do you stay at home all day?
You’d rather find a way!
Don’t judge her on her choice
Doesn’t she have her own voice?

Oh, you better take a break,
For your children’s sake.
Your career– it can wait,
Don’t ignore the kids at any rate!
Don’t nag her for choosing her way,
It’s her life, any day!

Oh, so much skin you show!
Why can’t your skirt be a bit low?
Why do you venture out so late?
Why do you go on a blind date?
Don’t dare to slash her wing–
She’s a woman, not a thing!

Oh, stop those prying eyes…
And stop the how’s and why’s!
Don’t judge her for her choice,
And don’t suppress her voice
She’s a light, a flame, a human
Don’t forget she’s a Woman!

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Written by

Rashmi Manvi

This is Rashmi from India. Mom to a pre-teen, I'm an English tutor by profession and pursue writing from my heart. I love traveling, baking, and all things creative. A firm believer of the law of attraction, the everyday joys of life ignite my passion for writing.